Corba Fundamentals
Corba Programming
Core Architecture
Corba Intro
Basic Building Blocks
Corba Distributed Software
Common Corba Acronyms
Fundamental Corba Architecture
Object Request Broker
Object Management Architecture
Oma Functional View
Corba Advantages
Corba Architecture Conclusion
Core Corba Architecture
Deeper Core Architecture
Corba Stubs Interfaces
Corba Client
Corba Server
Object Requst Broker
Orb Vendors
Corba Functionality Conclusion
Corba Architecture- Quiz
Corba Interoperability
Interoperability Levels
IIOP Related Protocols
Object Request Broker
Interoperability Technologies
Interoperability Conclusion
Identify Corba Elements - Exercise
ORB Architectural Description
The following contains a brief summary of the CORBA elements.
Any relationship between distributed objects has two sides: the client and the server. The server provides a remote interface, and the client calls a remote interface. These relationships are common to most distributed object standards, including RMI and CORBA. Note that in this context, the terms client and server define object-level rather than application-level interaction, any application could be a server for some objects and a client of others. In fact, a single object could be the client of an interface provided by a remote object and at the same time implement an interface to be called remotely by other objects. On the client side, the application includes a reference for the remote object. The object reference has a stub method, which is a stand-in for the method being called remotely. The stub is actually wired into the ORB, so that calling it invokes the ORB's connection capabilities, which forwards the invocation to the server.
On the server side, the ORB uses skeleton code to translate the remote invocation into a method call on the local object. The skeleton translates the call and any parameters to their implementation-specific format and calls the method being invoked. When the method returns, the skeleton code transforms results or errors, and sends them back to the client via the ORBs.
Corba Fundamentals
Between the ORBs, communication proceeds by means of a shared protocol, IIOP--the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol. IIOP, which is based on the standard TCP/IP internet protocol and works across the Internet, defines how CORBA-compliant ORBs pass information back and forth. Like CORBA and IDL, the IIOP standard is defined by OMG, the Object Management Group. IIOP allows clients using a CORBA product from one vendor to communicate with objects using a CORBA product from another vendor thus permitting interoperability, which is one of the goals of the CORBA standard. In addition to these simple distributed object capabilities, CORBA-compliant ORBs can provide a number of optional services defined by the OMG. These include services for looking up objects by name, maintaining persistent objects, supporting transaction processing, enabling messaging, and many other abilities useful in today's distributed, multi-tiered computing environments. Several ORBs from third-party vendors support some or all of these additional capabilities. The ORB provided with Java IDL supports one optional service, the ability to locate objects by name.
Identify the elements of the core CORBA architecture.
Fill in the blanks in the following short-answer questions.
A client that does not have a _____ may use the Dynamic Invocation Interface.
A server without a Skeleton may use the _____.
Servers interact with a special ORB component called an _____.