Java Programming  «Prev 

Java Mapping in Corba- Quiz

IDL-to-Java mapping

Each question is worth one point. Select the best answer for each question.
1. How does the following operation signature in IDL map to a method signature in Java? long myOperation(); Please select the best answer.
  A. public java.lang.Long myOperation();
  B. public long myOperation();
  C. public int myOperation();
  D. public org.omg.CORBA.Long myOperation();

2. How does the following operation signature in IDL map to a method signature in Java? void myOperation(in object foo); Please select the best answer.
  A. public void myOperation(org.omg.CORBA.Object foo);
  B. public void myOperation(java.lang.Object foo);
  C. public void myOperation(int objectID,String foo);
  D. public void myOperation(in Object foo);

3. What would be the Java mapping for this IDL const definition?
module MyMod {
     const unsigned long myConst=55;
Please select the best answer.
  A. package MyMod; public class MyMod { public static final long myConst=55; }
  B. package MyMod; public class MyModConstants { public static final long myConst=55; }
  C. package MyMod; public class myConst { public static final long value=55; }
  D. package MyMod; public class myConst { public long value() { return 55; } }
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