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Build Use Case Diagram - Exercise Result

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Course Project Use Case Diagram Solution

Course project use case diagram solution
Course project use case diagram solution

Find the Actors

  1. Identify the actors by looking for the subjects of the sentences in the problem statement (actor candidates in bold).
    Our auditorium is used for different types of events. Some of the events are one-time events, such as basketball games. Other events consist of a number of shows, such as plays or concerts. The event planner can change the floor plan for each event. Some events use the floor for seating (like concerts), and others do not (like basketball games). All the show seating charts for the same event should be based on the same floor plan. The event planner schedules events and shows. Once an event is negotiated, the event planner decides on the floor plan and schedules the individual shows for the event. Once the shows are scheduled, the event planner prices the shows. Pricing is done using a pricing plan. A pricing plan consists of a set of price tiers. Each price tier contains prices for one or more price types: adult, senior, student, and child. The event planner assigns each price tier to a group of seats in a show, one tier per seat. The event planner may also add one or more discounts to the show to try to improve sales. Customers can purchase seats online. Once they provide us with their mailing address, they can look up shows and select the seats they want to reserve. Customers may pay only by credit card payments. If they want refunds, we will credit the card used to purchase the ticket.
  2. Evaluate what you find and decide whether or not it represents an actor (actors in bold).
    Candidate ActorDecision
    AuditoriumNot an actor; an object managed by an event planner
    EventNot an actor; an object managed by an event planner
    Show seating chartNot an actor; part of a show
    Event plannerActor: A person using the other objects found so far, appears many times as an active participant in the problem domain
    PricingNot an actor; a noun form of the action “to price”
    Pricing planNot an actor; an object managed by an event planner
    Price tierNot an actor; part of a pricing plan
    CustomerActor: A person who uses the system for queries and to purchase tickets
    Credit cardNot an actor; an object owned and used by a customer
    WeThe booking system
  3. Place the actors on the use case diagram (see diagram above).
    Find the use cases.
  4. Identify the use cases by looking for actions (verbs) in the problem statement (actions in bold).
    Our auditorium is used for different types of events. Some of the events are one-time events, such as basketball games. Other events consist of a number of shows, such as plays or concerts.
    The event planner can change the floor plan for each event. Some events use the floor for seating (like concerts), and others do not(like basketball games). All the show seating charts for the same event should be based on the same floor plan.
    The event planner schedules events and shows. Once an event is negotiated, the event planner decides on the floor plan and schedules the individual shows for the event. Once the shows are scheduled, the event planner prices the shows.
    Pricing is done using a pricing plan. A pricing plan consists of a set of price tiers. Each price tier contains prices for one or more price types: adult, senior, student, and child. The event planner assigns each price tier to a group of seats in a show, one tier per seat. The event planner may also add one or more discounts to the show to try to improve sales.
    Customers can purchase seats online. Once they provide us with their mailing address, they can look up shows and select the seats they want to reserve. Customers may pay only by credit card payments. If they want refunds, we will credit the card used to purchase the ticket.
  5. Evaluate the actions to decide whether or not they make good use cases.
    Candidate Verb PhraseEvaluationUse Case
    Auditorium is used for eventsIdentifies the facility in which the events are heldMaintain auditorium floor plan
    Event consists of showsHelps define the composition of an eventSchedule show
    Event planner changes floor planModifies the auditorium floor plan for a particular eventDesign event floor plan
    Event planner schedules events Schedule event
    Event planner schedules shows Schedule show
    Event is negotiatedPart of the process to set up an eventSchedule event
    Event planner decides on floor planPart of the process to set up a show seating chartDesign event floor plan
    Event planner schedules shows Schedule show
    Pricing plan consists of...Describes the composition of a pricing planUpdate pricing plan
    Price tier contains...Describes the composition of a price tierUpdate pricing plan
    Event planner assigns price tier Price show
    Event planner adds discount Price show
    Customers purchase seats Purchase seats
    Customers provide address Update customer
    Customers look up shows Select show
    Customers select seats Select seats
    Customers reserve seatsReserving happens when the customer pays for the seatsPurchase seats
    We accept credit card payments Purchase seats
    They want refunds Refund seats
    We credit the credit cardThe credit is applied during the refundRefund seats
  6. Add the use cases to the use case diagram (see diagram above).