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COM Client Server Interaction and Method Requirements - Quiz

Each question is worth one point. Select the best answer or answers for each question.
1. What is the basis of client-server interaction in COM?
Please select the best answer.
  A. Communication between the client and the COM server
  B. Communication between the client and a COM object's data
  C. Communication between the client and a COM object's interface methods

2. What does local/remote transparency mean?
Please select the best answer.
  A. The client tells COM where to find the server. The location of the server is transparent to COM.
  B. The client accesses COM objects. The location of the server implementing those objects is transparent to the client.
  C. The COM server registers with all known clients. This process is transparent to the COM object.

3. What are the binary and return value requirements of a COM method?
Please select all the correct answers.
  A. C/C++ calling conventions--i.e., __stdcall.
  B. COM methods must return application-specific error codes as return values.
  C. Return HRESULT.
  D. First parameter to a method must be a pointer back to the interface that contains the method.