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Add Methods GetPhoneRec to IReadPhBook - Exercise

Add methods

Objective: Add GetPhoneRec to IReadPhBook and AddPhoneRec and DeletePhoneRec to IManagePhRec.


Add methods to IReadPhBook and IManagePhBook:
  1. Add the method GetPhoneRec to IReadPhBook with the parameters [in] PhRec *pPhRec, [out] BOOL *pOK.
  2. Add the method AddPhoneRec to IManagePhBook with the parameters [in] PhRec *pPhRec, [out] BOOL *pOK.
  3. Add the method DeletePhoneRec to IManagePhBook with the parameters [out] BOOL *pOK.
  4. Build the project. Make sure the project builds without any errors.

Exercise scoring

10 points: autoscored.