Advanced COM
Basic COM
ATL Development
Com Fundamentals
Component Object Model
COM Specification
Terminology COM Objects
Com Clients And Servers
Com Method Property
COM Interface Properties
Interface Definition Language
Compiling IDL Files
Implementing COM Objects
iunknown Interface Navigation
Query Interface Guidelines
iunknown Reference Counting
Iunknown Interface
COM Type Library
Com Basics Conclusion
COM Basics
COM Class Objects
iClassfactory Methods
iClassfactory Creates Objects
COM Servers
InOrocessServer Registers
InProcess Com Servers
dllCanUnloadNow Described
Creating COM Objects
COM Interfaces
Client Side Code
COM Basic Conclusion
In Process Com Server
Development Frameworks
Core ATL Classes
Generate ATL Process ComServer
Add COM Class
Examine ATL Code
ATL Project Files
Designing Data Structures
Designing Methods
Adding Structures Constants
Add readWrite Property
Add Read Only
Add Interface Methods
Add Application Data
Coding COM Methods
Add Phone Record
COM Server Conclusion
Add methods to IManagePhBook - Exercise
Add methods to IManagePhBook
Add methods AddPhoneRec and DeletePhoneRec to IManagePhBook.
Part 1: Add methods
Using the code listed above, add the following methods to
Part 2: Build the project
Make sure the project builds without errors.
Exercise scoring
This exercise is worth 30 points and is scored automatically. Once the project builds, click the
button and you will receive full credit for the exercise.
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