Object Oriented Programming - Part 1
- OOD can improve productivity by providing a practical mechansim to reuse classes from one project to another.
- What are the Objectives of OOD?
1. Increase Productivity
2. Increase Quality
3. Elevate Maintainability
3. For Coad and Yourdon an {\it object oriented approach} consists of
1)classes 2)objects 3) inheritance and 4) communication with messages.
4. Relationships between Objects}
1. Whole - Part Structures
2. Instance conncetions (Association relationships)
3. Message connections
5. Gen-Spec relationships between classes define an
inheritance hierarchy for classes that are specializations of other classes.
6. Simple statically-typed objects can be viewed as instances of record types.
7. The record fields are called member data in C++.
8. A member function is equivalent to a function taking an object of the record type called the receiver} as the first parameter.
The receiver is called this.
9. When defining member functions for a class you sometimes want to refer to the calling object.
The this
pointer is a predefined pointer that points to the calling object.
10. A reference} is an alias or synonym for another variable. It is declared by using the reference operator & appended to the reference