COM Aggregation   «Prev  Next»
Lesson 9Aggregation guidelines: IUnknown information exchange
ObjectiveList the guidelines for inner and outer IUnknown information exchange.

Aggregation Guidelines - IUnknown information Exchange

Up to this point, we have looked at aggregation guidelines for both the inner and the outer objects. The inner object needs the outer object's IUnknown pointer for use with its delegating IUnknown interface. The outer object needs the inner object's nondelegating IUnknown pointer for interface navigation and to release the aggregated object. The inner and outer COM objects need to exchange IUnknown pointers. That is exactly what the last aggregation guideline states:
The inner and outer objects must exchange IUnknown pointers.

Specifically, the inner object gives the outer object its nondelegating IUnknown pointer, receiving the outer object's IUnknown pointer in exchange. This happens when the outer object creates the inner object.
As part of its instantiation process, the outer object creates an instance of the inner object. The inner and outer objects exchange IUnknown pointers at this time. CoCreateInstance and IClassFactory::CreateInstance take a parameter specifically dedicated to supporting aggregation. To aggregate an object, the outer object passes in a pointer to its IUnknown pointer and asks the inner object for its IUnknown pointer. The aggregated (inner) object's class factory sees a request for aggregation in its implementation of CreateInstance.

Aggregation: CoCreateInstance and IClassFactory::CreateInstance

When the outer object creates an instance of the inner object, it calls IClassFactory::CreateInstance directly or indirectly through CoCreateInstance. To indicate to the newly created COM object that the caller (the outer object) wants to aggregate it, both IClassFactory::CreateInstance and CoCreateInstance take an IUnknown pointer as a parameter. This parameter is NULL when a client creates a COM object. For aggregation, the outer COM object passes in its IUnknown pointer. A non-NULL value in this parameter tells the newly created COM object that the caller wants to aggregate it. Additionally, when an outer IUnknown pointer is passed in, the caller must ask for IUnknown that is, the nondelegating IUnknown of the object.
HRESULT IClassFactory::CreateInstance(IUnknown *pIOuterIUnknown, REFIID riid, VOID **ppv);    

  1. pIOuterIUnknown: Pointer to outer object's IUnknown if you want to aggregate to the new object. Null if not aggregated.
  2. REFIID riid: Must be IID_IUnknown if pIOuterUnknown is NOT null. i.e. when aggregating an object the outer object must pass in its IUnknown and it must ask for the inner object's IUnknown
  3. VOID **ppv: Pointer to hold requested interface pointer in. This will be IUnknown if we aggregate the object.

Helper function CoCreateInstance can be used in place of the calls to CoGetClassObject and CreateInstance:
STDAPI CoCreateInstance(REFCLSID objCLSID,IUnknown *pOuterIUnknown,
DWORD clsctx,REFIID riid,VOID **ppv);
  1. REFCLSID objCLSID: CLSID of COM Object whose class factory you want.
  2. IUnknown *pOuterIUnknown: Pointer to outer object's IUnknown. NULL if not aggregating.
  4. REFIID riid: Must be IID_IUnknown if pOuterIUnknown is non-NULL.
  5. VOID **ppv); Pointer to hold requested interface pointer in. Will be IUnknown if the object is being aggregated.

A common implementation technique, in outer COM objects, is to provide a non-COM member function called Init. After creating an instance of the outer COM object, the object's IClassFactory::CreateInstance method calls Init. In Init, the outer COM object creates and aggregates the inner COM object.

Inside Microsoft Programming

Nonaggregatable COM Objects

A common clean-up technique is to release aggregated COM objects in a class destructor. You can develop nonaggregatable COM objects by having the object's class factory return CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION from CreateInstance.
You can code your COM objects in such a way that they can't be aggregated. The following pseudo-code demonstrates this:
class CInnerCOMObj : ... { ... }

class CInnerCOMObj_ClassFactory : public 
IClassFactory {
  HRESULT CreateInstance(IUnknown *pOuterIUnknown, 
    REFIID riid, VOID **ppv){
    /* first check for aggregation, 
	is pOuterIUnknown non-NULL? */
    if (pOuterIUnknown != NULL) {
      //Return a no-aggregation error
    // Visual C++ Code

Implementing IClassFactory::CreateInstance in the inner object

A standard development practice is to have the C++ class that implements the inner COM object take in a pointer to the outer IUnknown in its constructor. CreateInstance will pass this into the constructor of the C++ class that implements the inner object. In its constructor, the COM object saves the outer object's pointer and uses it in all delegating IUnknown methods.
class CInnerCOMObj : ... { 
CInnerCOMObj(IUnknown *pOuterIUnknown) { ... }

The following pseudo-code demonstrates how the inner object class factory implements IClassFactory::CreateInstance:
class CInnerCOMObj_ClassFactory : public IClassFactory {
  /* We do not have to specify CreateInstance as virtual and __stdcall. 
  We inherit these attributes from IClassFactory. */
  HRESULT CreateInstance(IUnknown *pOuterIUnknown,REFIID riid,VOID **ppv) {
    /* first check for aggregation - i.e. is pOuterIUnknown non-NULL */      
    if (pOuterIUnknown != NULL) {
      /* now make sure they are asking for IUnknown. If not - fail the call */
      if (riid != IID_IUnknown) {
        return E_NOINTERFACE;
    /* Now create the COM object - passing the outer object's IUnknown into it. NOTE: this 
    call will work for the non-aggregated case too - i.e. when pOuterIUnknown is NULL*/
    CInnerCOMObj *pc = new CInnerCOMObj(pOuterIUnknown);
    /* Call QueryInterface in the COM object to get the caller's requested interface */
    HRESULT hr = pc->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
      delete pc;
      return hr;
    return S_OK;

Notice how the creation and destruction of the inner objects and the outer object are kept synchronized. The outer object creates inner objects when it is created. The outer object will destroy inner objects when it is destroyed (recall from the previous lesson that the outer object releases aggregated objects when it is released). These steps, along with the inner object's delegating IUnknown interfaces and the outer object's uses of the aggregated object's nondelegating IUnknown interface, support the goal of aggregation: multiple objects combining into a composite object.

Analyze Inner Com Object - Exercise

Click the Exercise link below to apply what you've learned to fixing a buggy inner COM object.
Analyze Inner Com Object - Exercise

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