Examine an implementation of a self-referential dynamic data structure.
Examine C++ Singly Linked List
Here's a breakdown of the purpose and function of a Singly Linked List in C++:
Dynamic Data Structure: Singly Linked Lists provide a way to store a collection of data where the number of elements can grow or shrink as needed, unlike arrays which have a fixed size.
Efficient Insertion and Deletion (At Specific Points): They are optimized for scenarios where you frequently need to add or remove items at the beginning or within the list, providing better performance for those operations compared to arrays.
Memory Management: Linked lists can use memory in a more flexible way, preventing issues like fragmentation.
Function: A Singly Linked List is built with these core components:
Nodes: Each node contains two elements:
The data itself (which could be a number, string, or a more complex data structure).
A pointer (reference) to the next node in the list.
Head: A pointer that references the first node in the list.
Tail: A pointer referencing the last node in the list. Often, this tail node will contain a null pointer to signify the end of the list.
Key Operations
At the beginning: A new node is created, its `next` pointer is set to the current head, and then the new node becomes the head.
Anywhere else: You traverse the list until you find the desired position, and then adjust the pointers of surrounding nodes to include the new node.
At the beginning: The `head` pointer is updated to point to the second node.
Anywhere else: Traverse the list to find the node before the one to be deleted, and adjust its `next` pointer to skip the node being removed.
Traversal: Starting at the `head`, you follow the `next` pointers of each node to access the data in sequence.
Use Cases
Implementing stacks and queues.
Representing graphs in Graph Theory.
Applications where you need to frequently insert or delete elements in places other than the end of the sequence.
Self-referential Dynamic Data Structure
A singly linked list data type is a prototype for many useful dynamic data structures called self-referential structures. These data types have pointer members that refer to objects of their own type.
The following class declaration implements a singly linked list:
//A singly linked list
struct slistelem {
char data; // could be replaced by a
// complicated type capable of
// storing a range of information
slistelem* next; // points to the next slistelem
// in the list
class slist {
slist() : h(0) { } //0 is empty slist
~slist() { release(); }
void prepend(char c); //adds to front slist
void del();
slistelem* first() const { return h; }
void print() const;
void release();
slistelem* h; //head of slist
Diagram of singly-linked list
Constructor initializes the head of the List
The constructor initializes the head of slist pointer h to the value 0, which is called the null pointer constant, and it can be assigned to any pointer type. In linked lists, it typically denotes the empty list or end-of-list value.
The class slist has functions that perform the following operations:
prepend - Add to front of list
first - Return first element
print - Print list contents
del - Delete first element
release - Destroy list
Over the next several lessons, we'll examine each of these functions more closely.