This module discussed how domain partitioning provides a breakdown of the overall system into cohesive units of work. In the finished application these units may be combined to support different workflows or job duties.
Domain partitioning also sets the stage for architectural partitioning because each type of work or functionality might imply a different architectural approach.
So how do you know when you are done with domain partitioning? You must allocate every use case and every class in your analysis models to a domain partition, and all object model associations must be preserved.
Nothing from your analysis model can be lost in the transition!
You should now be able to:
- Identify the resources used for domain partitioning
- Perform domain partitioning using use cases
- Explain how package diagrams may be used to model domain partitions/li>
- Assign analysis classes to domain partitions
- Test the domain partition for completeness
- Identify and define dependencies between partitions