Project Cycle
System Design
System Design
System Object Design
Analysis Design
Review Project Life Cycle
Transition Analysis Design
Analysis Work Products
Two-Step Design
Process Phase Conclusion
Architectural Analysis
Partitioning Analysis Model
Partitioning Process Goal
Partitioning Design Conclusion
Domain Partitioning
Domain Partitioning Resources
Package Modeling Purpose
3 Step Domain Partitioning Process
Partitioning based On Use Cases
ObjectModel UsedWith DomainPartitioning
Define Dependencies between Partitions
Domain Partitioning Conclusion
Architectural Partitioning
Design Strategies
Two-Tier Architecture
Three Tier Architecture
Partitioning Architecture ntier
Additional ntier Architectures
Deployment Diagram
Architectural Analysis Conclusion
Object Design
Object Design Tools
Statechart Diagram
Review Statechart Notation
State Design Pattern
State Behavior Conclusion
Statechart to Object Design - Quiz
Statechart Notation - Exercise
Review Statechart Notation
Build Statechart Diagram
Apply the process of deriving a statechart from multiple sequence diagrams.
Exercise scoring
Full credit is 10 points. You will receive 1 point for each state correctly defined and 1 point for each event corectly defined up to 10 points.
Continue the process that was started in the lesson. To complete the exercise, identify each of the states of the ShowSeat and label the events that cause the transitions between the states.
For each source sequence diagram:
Identify the states.
Identify the events that trigger the transition between states.
Draw the statechart diagram.
Merge the new diagram with the previous diagrams to form a single statechart for the ShowSeat.
From the download file you opened, use the following source sequence diagrams:
Submitting your exercise
To submit the exercise follow the steps below:
Step 1
In the Subject field, type
OOD : Course Project, part 5 Exercise
Step 2
In the text area below, type
Course project, part 5
. In addition, you can include any questions or comments you have about the exercise. When you're ready to submit the exercise, click the