Lesson 3 | What is and is not included in the UML specification |
Objective | Define Scope of UML specification. |
UML Scope Specification
Improve the System Architecture
Rework the physical metamodel so that it is more tightly aligned with the MOF meta-metamodel. Improve the guidelines that establish what constructs should
be defined in the kernel language and what constructs should be defined in UML profiles or standard model libraries
- Meta-Object Facility (MOF): The Meta-Object Facility (MOF) is at the heart of the MDA strategy along with the UML, CWM, CORBA, and XMI. It is the starting point, the standard that defines the languages used to describe systems and MDA itself. The MOF is a metamodel (often called M2), a model defining the concepts required to build a model and to store the model in a repository. The model is stored by representing the metadata as CORBA objects.
- System Development
System development focuses on three different models of the system
- The functional model, represented in UML with use case diagrams, describes the functionality of the system from the point of view of the user .
- The object model, represented in UML with class diagrams, describes the structure of the system in terms of objects, attributes, associations, and operations. During requirements and analysis, the object model starts as the analysis object model and describes the application concepts relevant to the system. During system design, the object model is refined into the system design object model and includes descriptions of the subsystem interfaces. During object design, the object model is refined into the object design model and includes detailed descriptions of solution objects.
- The dynamic model, represented in UML with interaction diagrams, state machine diagrams, and activity diagrams, describes the internal behavior of the system. Interaction diagrams describe behavior as a sequence of messages exchanged among a set of objects, whereas state machine diagrams describe behavior in terms of states of an individual object and the possible transitions between states. Activity diagrams describe behavior in terms control and data flows.
UML Metamodel