Lesson 10 | The use case narrative, part 2 |
Objective | Write a Use Case Narrative for the Withdraw of Cash |
Use case narrative | |
Name | Withdraw Cash |
Number | 11.0 |
Author | Gregor Hohpe |
Last update | 4/1/2008 |
Assumptions | The user has provided a valid card and password. |
Pre-conditions | |
Use case description | |
Use case initialization | This use case starts on demand. |
Use case dialog | The system asks for the withdrawal amount. The user provides an amount. The ATM verifies that the amount is within the predefined policy limits and is an amount divisible by the defined denomination, for example, multiples of $20.00. If the amount fails these requirements, the user receives an error message. Otherwise: The ATM attempts to connect with the bank. If the connection is not successful, the user receives an error message. If the funds are available, the ATM gives the user their money and prints a receipt. If the funds are not available, the user gets an error message. |
Use case termination | This use case ends when:
Post-conditions | Upon successful completion of the withdrawal: