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Use Case Scenario Exercise in UML

Course Project, Part 3 - Exercise
Objective:Identify the scenarios in a use case.
Instructions: Using the use case narrative for Fill Order that we wrote earlier (shown below):
  1. Draw your own flowchart
  2. Identify the scenarios
  3. Submit the final flowchart with scenarios to the course tutors

Name Fill Order
Author Glenn Gould
Last update 10/22/2008
Assumptions Valid user and has permission to use this feature
Use case description
Use case initialization This use case starts on demand.
Use case dialog The system asks the user for an order number.
The user provides the order number.
The system asks for the order (from Find Order use case), If the Order is not found:
Error, stop
The system provides the order to the user.
The user chooses an item.
Until the user indicates that they are done or there are no unfilled item quantities greater than 0:
The system asks for the location of the item and unfilled quantity (from the Find Product use case).
If the item is found (available):
For the quantity available, the user indicates the quantity of the item filled.
If there are any unfilled item quantities greater than 0:
Create a backorder (using the Create Backorder use case).
Use case termination The user may cancel.
The use case may timeout.
The user can indicate that they are done.
Post-conditions Normal termination:
The changes to the order must be saved.
(The backorder is handled by the Create Backorder use case.)
The order must be saved unchanged.
If a backorder was being created, it must be cancelled.

Exercise Scoring

This exercise is worth a total of 25 points, 5 points for each scenario.

Submitting the exercise

To submit the exercise to the tutors, follow the steps below:
Step 1
  1. Include your return email address if it is not already present.
  2. In the subject field, type: UML - Course project, part 3 - Module 3.
  3. Include a brief note in the text field of your email.
  4. Attach your file. Make sure your file is named: scenario.gif. Each email program has a slightly different way of attaching files. Please check your program's documentation for full instructions.
Step 2
In the text area below, type: Course project, part 3: In addition, you can include any questions or comments you have about the exercise. When you are ready to submit it, click the Submit button.