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Modeling Attribute Notations - Quiz

Each question is worth one point. Select the best answer or answers for each question.
1. A customer's name is made up of a first, middle, and last name totaling 60 characters, 20 for each part of the name. Choose the attribute notation that most accurately describes this stated requirement.
Please select the best answer.
  A. Name : character = default
  B. FirstMiddleLastName : character = no default { 1 to 60 characters }
FirstName : character = no default { 1 to 20 characters } ; 
MiddleName : character = no default { 1 to 20 characters } ;
LastName : character = no default { 1 to 20 characters }
  D. Fullname : 60 character { 1 to 20 characters for each part of the name }

2. An order number is an eight-digit unique value. Choose the attribute notation that most accurately describes this stated requirement.
Please select the best answer.
  A. OrderNumber : numeric = 0
  B. OrderNumber : numeric = no default { system assigned and unique }
  C. OrderNumber : unique number = system generated number
  D. OrderNumber : numeric = no default { unique, 8 digits }

3. Customer names may be people or companies. We allow only a single 40-character field for name, and it has to allow for punctuation that appears in some company names. Choose the attribute notation that most accurately describes this stated requirement.
Please select the best answer.
  A. Name : character { allow special characters }
  B. Name : alphabetic and special characters { no more than 40 characters including spaces }
  C. Name : character { alphabetic, spaces, and punctuation }
  D. Name : character { alphabetic, spaces, and punctuation ; up to 40 characters }

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