Object outlines are obtained from class charts so object graphs are reliant upon class outlines.
Object outlines address an occasion of a class graph.
The fundamental ideas are comparable for class outlines and item graphs. Object outlines likewise address the static perspective on a framework however this static view is a preview of the framework at a specific second. Object outlines are utilized to deliver a bunch of items and their connections as an occasion.
1) Draw an object diagram to represent Triangle 1 with Points A,B, and C. Draw an object to represent Triangle 1, name the object, and document the attribute value.
2) Draw an object to represent Point A, name the object, and document the attribute values.
3) Add Points B and C, name them and add the attribute values. Draw links between Triangle 1 and Points A,B, and C and label them.
4) Add Triangle 2 to the diagram along with its defining points. Add Triangle2, name it and add its attribute value. Draw links between Triangle 2 and Points B and C and label them.
5) Add Point D, name it and add the attribute values. Next draw a link between Triangle 2 and Point D and label it.
6) Add Triangle 3 to the diagram along with its defining Points. Add Triangle 3, name it and add the attribute values. Next draw links between Triangle 3 and Points B and D and label them.
7) Add Point E, name it and add the attribute values. Next draw a link between Triangle 3 and Point E and label it.
Add Triangle 4 to the diagram with its defining points. Add Triangle 4, name it and add the attribute values. Next draw a link between Triangle 4 and Point B and label it.
Add points F and G, name them and add the attribute values. Finally draw links between Triangle 4 and Points F and G and label them.