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Lesson 5 Call-by-reference
Objective Examine C++'s implementation of call-by-reference

Call by Reference using C++ 20

In C++, call-by-reference is implemented using references. References are essentially aliases for existing variables, allowing functions to directly access and modify the original variable's value without creating a copy.
Here's how it works:
  1. Declaration: When declaring a function parameter as a reference, an ampersand (&) is placed after the type. For example:
          void myFunction(int& num);
  2. Function Call: When calling the function, you pass the variable directly:
          int x = 10;
          myFunction(x); // x is passed by reference
  3. Internal Implementation: The compiler typically implements references using pointers. Behind the scenes, the reference parameter acts as a pointer to the original variable's memory location. Any changes made to the reference parameter within the function directly affect the original variable.
    Key Advantages of Call-by-Reference:
    • Efficiency: Avoids the overhead of copying large objects or data structures.
    • Modification: Allows functions to modify the original variable's value.
    • Multiple Return Values: Enables functions to effectively return multiple values by modifying variables passed by reference.

#include <iostream>

void swap(int& a, int& b) {
    int temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;

int main() {
    int x = 5, y = 10;

    std::cout << "Before swap: x = " << x << ", y = " << y << std::endl;
    swap(x, y);
    std::cout << "After swap: x = " << x << ", y = " << y << std::endl;

    return 0;
In this example, the `swap` function takes two integer references as parameters. By modifying the references `a` and `b`, the function directly swaps the values of the original variables `x` and `y`.

Use of Reference Declarations

The chief use of reference declarations is in formal parameter lists. This allows C++ to have call-by-reference arguments directly, a feature not available in C.
Example Let uslook at an example program that uses reference declarations and call-by-reference. The function greater exchanges two values if the first is greater than the second.
int greater(int& a, int& b){
 if (a > b) {   //exchange
  int temp = a;
  a = b;
  b = temp;
  return (1);
  return (0);

If i and j are two int variables, then
greater(i, j)

uses the reference to i and the reference to j to exchange, if necessary, their two values. In traditional C, this operation must be accomplished using pointers and dereferencing.
  • Call-by-reference and const
    When function arguments are to remain unmodified, it can be efficient and correct to pass them const call-by-reference. This is the case for types that are structures.
    struct large_size{
      int mem[N];
      //...other stuff
    void print(const large_size& s){
      //since s will not be modified
      //avoid call-by-value copying

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