Lesson 4 | Pseudocode |
Objective | Describe and use pseudocode. |
Use Cases for using a Pseudocode Algorithm
Pseudocode algorithms serve as an intermediary between the conceptual understanding of a problem and its implementation in a higher-level programming language. By providing a language-agnostic representation of algorithms, pseudocode facilitates clear communication of algorithmic ideas without the syntactic constraints of a specific programming language. The use cases for employing pseudocode algorithms instead of directly using a higher-level programming language include:
- Algorithm Design and Development: In the initial stages of algorithm development, pseudocode allows the designer to focus on the logic and structure of the algorithm without being encumbered by the syntax and idiosyncrasies of a particular programming language. This abstraction facilitates the conceptualization and refinement of algorithms.
- Educational Purposes: Pseudocode is widely used in computer science education to teach algorithmic thinking and problem-solving techniques. Its simplicity and readability make it accessible to students who are not yet proficient in a specific programming language, allowing them to grasp fundamental concepts without the added complexity of language-specific syntax.
- Communication Among Diverse Teams: In environments where team members may have expertise in different programming languages, pseudocode provides a common ground for discussing and documenting algorithms. This ensures that the algorithmic solutions are clearly understood by all members, irrespective of their programming background.
- Documentation and Specification: Pseudocode is an effective tool for documenting the intended behavior of algorithms in software design specifications. It provides a clear and concise description that can guide the implementation phase, serving as a reference for developers to ensure that the final code aligns with the designed algorithm.
- Platform-Independent Algorithm Design: Since pseudocode is not tied to any specific programming language, it allows for the design of algorithms that are platform-independent. This is particularly useful in scenarios where the algorithm will be implemented across multiple platforms or in different programming environments.
- Complex Algorithm Visualization: For complex algorithms involving multiple steps, conditional paths, and iterations, pseudocode can help in visualizing the flow and operations of the algorithm. This simplification aids in identifying potential inefficiencies, logical errors, or opportunities for optimization before the implementation phase.
- Rapid Prototyping and Experimentation: Pseudocode allows for rapid prototyping of algorithms, enabling quick experimentation with different approaches and solutions. This iterative process can lead to the development of more efficient or effective algorithms before committing to a full-scale implementation in a higher-level programming language.
- Cross-Disciplinary Communication: In projects that involve collaboration between computer scientists and professionals from other disciplines (e.g., mathematicians, engineers, scientists), pseudocode can serve as a bridge for communication, allowing non-programmers to understand and contribute to algorithmic solutions.
In summary, the use of pseudocode algorithms is particularly advantageous in the conceptualization, communication, and documentation phases of algorithm development. Its simplicity, readability, and language-agnostic nature make it an invaluable tool in a wide range of contexts, from education and design to interdisciplinary collaboration and complex algorithm visualization.
To illustrate the constructs of structured programming, we will consider several programs created in order to perform the task of going for a bicycle ride.
These programs will be written in
pseudocode[1] rather than a specific programming language. As a matter of fact, it isn't intended that these programs be executed on a computer at all. They simply serve to demonstrate structured programming at a conceptual level. Pseudocode is a rough outline of the logic of a program written in structured English rather than in a specific programming language. The advantage of using pseudocode is that it enables you to focus on the logic of a program rather than the implementation details. If a program is first written in pseudocode, it is usually much easier to re-write in the intended programming language. Without knowing it, you've probably been using pseudcode for some time now. Here's a simple example courtesy of the shampoo bottle:
Wet hair
What is Pseudocode?
Pseudocode is an informal high-level description of the operating principle of a computer program or algorithm.
It uses the structural conventions of a programming language, but is intended for human reading rather than machine reading.
Pseudocode typically omits the details required for a machine to understand the algorithm, such as
- variable declarations,
- system-specific code and
- functions.
The programming language is augmented with natural language description details or with compact mathematical notation.
The purpose of using pseudocode is for humans to gain an understanding of the tasks that need to be accomplished.
Pseudocode is commonly used in textbooks and scientific publications that are documenting various algorithms,
and also in the planning of computer program development, sketching out the structure of the program before the actual coding takes place.
Advantages of using Pseudocode
Using pseudocode instead of a higher level programming language has the following advantages.
The presentation of complex algorithms using all the details of any programming language clouds the students' understanding of the algorithms.
Furthermore, the pseudocode should be understandable to someone versed in any highlevel language, which means it should avoid details specific to any one language as much as possible. When designing algorithms, complexity analysis of algorithms, and computational complexity (analysis of problems). It does not cover other types of analyses, such as analysis of correctness. Our motivation for writingpseudocode was our inability to find algorithms that rigorously discuss complexity analysis of algorithms, yet is accessible to computer science students at mainstream universities such as University of Michigan. The majority of students have not studied calculus, which means that they are not comfortable with abstract mathematics and mathematical notation. The existing texts
that we know of use notation that is fine for a mathematically sophisticated student, but is a bit terse for our student body. In the next lesson we will look at the first of the three control flow constructs of structured programming.
[1]Psuedocode: Form of structured English used to describe the logic of a program.